Darwine 0.9.46

Keep me going
give me coffee! Smoke 1 Smoke 2 Smoke 3


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elive gem on Q - [kju:]After about a year we have finally a new stable of Q.
It's based on the Qemu 0.9.0 release, with some packported bugfixes from Qemu CVS.
Cordney* has added many new features, andi sponsored a new set of icons, while I fiddled with output and guest switching.

Basically I made the Quartz output default. Quartz is no longer refreshing or drawing items that did not change. This speeds up emulation quite a bit, especially on more static programs. Fullscreen programs like games with a lot of action still perform better with the OpenGL output.
Fullscreen guest switching makes use of the obligate cube animation :).

BTW: the guest is elive gem (night theme).

Hope You enjoy it.

Take me to Q!

wine and corefonts

It looks like a lot can be mended by installing good fonts. This was a topic in the "Wine Weekly Newsletters 332", too.

Here is a simple script and howto I made, to download and install the original Microsoft Corefonts for wine, as winetricks are not working on OS X. It makes use of cabextract 1.2, of which I supply a binary.
get the needed files here.

From the README:

1. extract corefonts.zip
2. open applications/utilities/terminal.app
3. cd to the folder "corefonts" (for non cmdline savvies: type "cd", drag the folder "corefonts" into the terminal window, hit return)
4. type "./get_corefonts.sh" (this will download(8mb), extract and install the corefonts to your wine installation)

- maybe you have to make "get_corefonts.sh" executable by typing "chmod u+x get_corefonts.sh"
- restart wine, to make the fonts visible

The Cocotron CDT 23-12-2006/r43

xorandor_cocotron_wineAfter building the wine 0.9.43 and adding the corefonts, I updated my cocotron environment. Things are in the flow and look way better now:

I think the garbled Menu I experienced in earlier tries was related to the wine font issue and was resolved by adding the corefonts.

Now we wait for NSDocument to be supported 😉

Darwine 0.9.43



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