
Keep me going
give me coffee! Smoke 1 Smoke 2 Smoke 3

Thank You very much for your mails, unfortunately, I could not answer them all.

This version fixes the Adobe Flash Bug and I tried to adress some of your questions about Suns Java.
I stop to include plugins with ies4osx, as with the current Darwine and ies4osx you can install them right from within IE6 if You need them. The current Adobe Flash is working OK for me. I've mixed results with SUNs Java.

Just remember, that your ie6 needs win9x or me plugins, if you try others...

What's new?

  • Removed Flash Plugin from Installer

Now, best run with a new copy of Darwine-1.0rc5! 😉

You find ies4osx here:


Thanks to Mac Geek Gab of The Mac Observer for having ies4osx on their podcast. Gave the web provider something to chew on. 🙂 .