Darwine 1.1.7

Keep me going
give me coffee! Smoke 1 Smoke 2 Smoke 3

If you want a stable release, please stay with 1.0.

Known Issues:

  • Iā€™m still looking for a fix for the printing issue without breaking the monolithic Tiger/Leopard build. (i.e. conditional lib paths on Leopard)


For Intel Macs with Tiger or Leopard

comes with all needed libraries, bins and TRiX



ies4osx 3.0.1

Thank You for all the feedback. As the old 2.99 ies4osx was broken for a lot of people I hope we reach a stable point with the 3.0 release in the near future.

This release comes with some fixes:
- works on Tiger
- https
- less "IE has to be terminated" errors šŸ˜‰

And new features:
- sound out of the box
- new Icon from www.lichtware.ch



ies4osx 3.0.0 [update]

I'm getting more and more feedback on corrupt evolt/ie downloads and cabextract problems. So I decided to drop ies4linux all together for a new approach.

ies4osx 3.0.0 is written from scratch. It's still very early, but I hope you get better results than with the 2.99ers šŸ™‚ .



This is very new code, not tested on a wide range of systems. Backup your old "Internet Explorer 6.0" before installing this!

Please report if You run into troubles...
- Looks like we have some troubles on Tiger. Hope to fix this tonight.
- Ie pops up a nag about it had to close itself: just click "debug" twice for now.

Darwine 1.1.5 [update]

If you want a stable release, please stay with 1.0.

This release comes with:

  • fixes for the wandering window bug. Credits fly to Andrey!
  • fix for 100% CPU Bug in Internet Explorer 6.0
  • new TRiX (fixed cabextract, smaller window šŸ˜‰ )

I'm still looking for a fix for the printing issue without breaking the monolithic Tiger/Leopard build. (i.e. conditional lib paths on Leopard)


For Intel Macs with Tiger or Leopard

comes with all needed libraries, bins and TRiX



If you like to stay informed on upcoming things, checkout this.

Dirk just sent me a mail, pointing out that with Leopard 10.5.5 OpenGL is working out of the box! So You don't need to install the custom XQuartz anymore for OpenGL.

rpn beta

RPN CalculatorI finally can test the calc on my iPod. I intended to push a beta up the appstore as fast as possible. But with appstores current review practices and delays, I will wait until the product is stable enugh for daily use.

I'm looking for 10 beta testers.
(All places taken, thank You šŸ™‚ )
Beta testers will optain the app by Apples "adhoc" option, i.e, you receive the app and a certificate from me. You drag it onto iTunes which installs it to the iPhone/iPod touch. This way I can bypass the appstore cue.

If You're interested, please drop me a line:
