State of things

Keep me going
give me coffee! Smoke 1 Smoke 2 Smoke 3

Before X-Mas, I tried to include a custom mesa lib, to enable Tiger systems to use OpenGL. There is some work to be done to rename the project from Darwine to Wine, too. (As discussed on Wine-Devel.)
Reading the changelog of Wine is very exciting, as it will help the ies4osx project dramatically.
"Recent" Blog enties and builds, or the lack therof, are documenting very well, that I'm a little out off sync as my spare time for lots of projects has drained up in the last weeks.
So I'm very happy to have James providing a recent Build in the next days... that will uploaded and posted here as usual.

Cya soon.

Darwine 1.1.9

If you want a stable release, please stay with 1.0.1

New Toys:

  • Printing support

Known Issues:

  • I use a new setup to fix some library paths for printing. So if you find anithing like Library not loaded: [name of a library]
    Referenced from: [name of another library]
    Reason: image not found


For Intel Macs with Tiger or Leopard

comes with all needed libraries, bins and TRiX



if you are using ies4osx, just exchange Darwine an printing should work from the IE.

Darwine 1.1.8

If you want a stable release, please stay with 1.0.1

New Toys:

  • enhanced Theme support - test it with the free zune theme 😉

Known Issues:

  • I’m still looking for a fix for the printing issue without breaking the monolithic Tiger/Leopard build. (i.e. conditional lib paths on Leopard)


For Intel Macs with Tiger or Leopard

comes with all needed libraries, bins and TRiX



Darwine 1.0.1

This is an update to the stable branch of Darwine.


For Intel Macs with Tiger or Leopard

comes with all needed libraries, bins and TRiX



Darwine 1.1.7

If you want a stable release, please stay with 1.0.

Known Issues:

  • I’m still looking for a fix for the printing issue without breaking the monolithic Tiger/Leopard build. (i.e. conditional lib paths on Leopard)


For Intel Macs with Tiger or Leopard

comes with all needed libraries, bins and TRiX

