Wine 1.1.29

Keep me going
give me coffee! Smoke 1 Smoke 2 Smoke 3

If you want a stable release, please stay with 1.0.1//

For Intel Macs with Tiger, Leopard or Snow Leopard.
Comes with all needed libraries, bins and WineBottler.

This is a test for my new Wine building environment/setup.

  • The package is called Wine now (instead of Darwine).
  • All Wine licenses are changed to lgpl.
  • No custom patches, except the 100% CPU bugfix.
  • Loads of dependencies where updated.
  • Added WineBottler as default alternative for WineHelper (WineHelper still ships with this version).

Small updates for WineBottler.

  • WineBottleStarter now supports custom apps which contain a wine.bundle (for fully self-contained windows apps).
  • updated ie7 template
  • added ie8 template (not working yet)

/me waves big red ALPHA-flag, stay away, if You don't know what you're doing 😀


PicoPlay 1.2.0 beta 1 [updated: beta 2]

Busy summertime 🙂
But I found some time to improve PicoPlay, so here is the first beta, enjoy.


The Changelog:
[new] app: register as player for supported media
[new] app: open media dialog
[new] app: openurl dialog
[new] app: drag'n'drop
[new] app: plugin-interface for other codecs (like mpg123/qt/flac/vnc)
[new] player: standalone support (without iTunes)
[new] player: can be moved to statusbar
[new] player: global hotkeys
[new] player: 5 seconds fadein at startup
[new] player: 5 seconds fadein after pausing
[new] player: pause when waking from sleep
[new] player: show metadata from library
[new] player: show metadata in growl
[new] player: add meta-data to library
[new] player: volume panel
[new] library: independent library
[new] library: index media with spotlight
[new] library: visual feedback while Indexing
[new] library: index streams and songs (if missing) from iTunes Playlists
[new] library: exclude iTunes
[new] playlists: independent playlists
[new] playlists: editor for independent playlists
[new] visualizer: we got a visualizer 🙂
[new] plugins: mpg123
[fix] sparkle: needs codesigning

This beta does not work in Tiger, yet, and I got a little carried away with the playlist background... so there might be some changes, too.
I'm testing dynmaic loading of code atm. The good thing is: things stay out of ram, as long as you don't need it. The ugly: OS X can't unload frameworks once loaded. If you want the smallest possible memory footprint, restart PicoPlay after using the playlist.

A notable change is the plugin interface for playback.
For now I've written two plugins: QT and . is still the fastest mp3 decoder, handsdown. I have PicoPlay running at < 2% CPU with mp3 on my MBA. The QT plugin will handle all other media that is supported by your Quicktime installation (and QT plugins), a fallback, so to say. mpg123 is the mpg library from Michael Hipp, licensed under LGPL 2.1.
Here is the code for the plugin, until I find the time to install a proper svn or git. So if you happen to be fluent in Ogg or Flac why not write a plugin for PicoPlay? 😉


PicoPlay 1.1.0

Thank You for all your goodwill and proposals.
Time is short, so I've only fixed the most pressing bugs for now: (more to come 😉 )

  • [new] Tiger support
  • [fix] better codec and streaming support
  • [fix] iTunes Library not found
  • [fix] Pause Button

PicoPlay - enjoy! Mike

PicoPlay [updated]

I like iTunes and Songbird for their massive load of features.

But while coding I need something small that does not distract me or eats tons of system resources. So I wrote PicoPlay that basically plays iTunes playlists, without iTunes running.

It's free as in free beer and you can download it here: (Sorry only Leopard atm)

enjoy coding with lean sound!

Wow, that got a little more exposure than I thought 🙂
So I'll put some more love in it. Bug number one is that it only works, if the iTunes library sits in it's default place. Hope to release the new version this weekend. Streams and Tiger are on the list, too.

Txs for all the feedback!

… vive le roi!

As mentioned below, I'm not going to provide kind of two unstable binaries of wine :). For now, I'll push the WineBottler path... it includes the same Wine as Darwine did.

So whats new? (just the biggest)

  • partial Tiger support (need feedback on this)
  • drag'n'drop support to drop files onto bottles
  • new controlcenter for prefixes, predefined, custom and preferences
  • custom bottles can be built from templates (i.e. any other prefix)
  • see all wine processes that are currently alive
  • gorgeous icons from Andy, txs!

Still unstable, sharking and testing for leaks now.

PS. SVN and TRAC are ready... sources and ticketing will follow soon.

PSS. Just forget one other major feature: a GUI for winetricks. It always works with the current winetricks and can be applied to any prefix. The option to create custom prefixes makes use of it, too.