PicoPlay 1.2.0b3 [update]

Keep me going
give me coffee! Smoke 1 Smoke 2 Smoke 3

Finally, the hopefully last beta. There gonna be some smaller changes with the Visulizer, but iTunes-mode and the standalone-mode are working as I need them.


The Changelog:
[new] app: register as player for supported media
[new] app: open media dialog
[new] app: openurl dialog
[new] app: drag'n'drop
[new] app: plugin-interface for other codecs (like mpg123/qt/flac/vnc)
[new] player: standalone support (without iTunes)
[new] player: can be moved to statusbar
[new] player: global hotkeys
[new] player: 5 seconds fadein at startup
[new] player: 5 seconds fadein after pausing
[new] player: pause when waking from sleep
[new] player: show metadata from library
[new] player: show metadata in growl
[new] player: add meta-data to library
[new] player: volume panel
[new] library: independent library
[new] library: index media with spotlight
[new] library: visual feedback while Indexing
[new] library: index streams and songs (if missing) from iTunes Playlists
[new] library: exclude iTunes
[new] library: automatically check for iTunes playlists
[new] playlists: independent playlists
[new] playlists: editor for independent playlists
[new] visualizer: we got a visualizer 🙂
[new] plugins: mpg123
[fix] sparkle: needs codesigning

I'm still testing dynmaic loading of code.
The good thing is: things stay out of ram, as long as you don't need it. The ugly: OS X can't unload frameworks once loaded. If you want the smallest possible memory footprint, restart PicoPlay after using the playlist.

There is a bug-tracker at:


Post Nr. 100 😀

Looks like this version does not remove the old db file befor creating the new updated db.
Please run this Automator Workflow to remove PicoPlay preferences and track.db.

WineBottler & Wine 1.1.31 [.2]

Things are moving and they're looking more stable now. I'm still not entirely happy with the Wine.app building process, but things should run. It's a vanilla build from the sources from winehq.org with no patches.
WineBottler has received some updates, too. Thank You very much for all the constructive feedback. More is in the Pipepline.

I've set up svn and trac for WineButtler now. This is only for WineBottler and the launching program (WineStatus) used in the Wine.app package. For everything related to Wine itself, please refer to the winehq. So if you find bugs or have proposals for enhancements, just register and submit a ticket.

We're coming along, but again I hiss the red alpha flag.
Enjoy & keep the feedback flowing

Changed faulty bottler.sh script from wine.app
Ahhh, yes.... if you install ie7... DON'T install the update, when asked.

Wine & WineBottler [link fixed]

here we go with the results of the (slightly prolonged) weekend of coding :). But because of the split of Wine and WineBottler I had to generate some more code. I hope by creating a clean lean Wine bundle, people that use that bundle will get support from winehq.org again (for the records: this is a vanilla build of wine, just a separate starter app, to handle OS X stuff and updates).
I have to apologize, the new tutorial did not make it yet. Glen, you are most welcome to help with the documentation or help files 😀

Get your copy at www.kronenberg.org/wine.

What is new in Wine?

  • Sparkle update (Wine.app will update itself for future releases)

What is fixed in Wine

  • loads of library links
  • "Taskmanager"

What is new in WineBottler

  • new looks
  • you can create selfcontained apps (apps that have Wine directly integrated, for distribution)
  • custom prefixes do support localized "Program Files"
  • automatically convert the windows icon for your app
  • statusmessage after creating a prefix (good, aborted, error)
  • search for prefix, predefined and winetricks

What is fixed in WineBottler

  • Sparkle Signature
  • Show Wine Log
  • better working exit codes
  • normal window level
  • ie6 template updated to include flash
  • ie7 template updated to include flash

Again - this is alpha 😀

No update to Wine 1.1.30 as it was not working properly for me.

iPhone rpnCalculator 0.2.4 [update]

So... weekend of coding started. Or rather weekend of creating certificates and provisioning profiles.

After some mails, I decided to prolonged my iPhone Dev Program in the hope of finally publishing the calculator. As we have iPhone OS 3.1 now and I had to quench some smaller bugs, there is a final adhoc beta program during next week.

People who have submitted their iPhone/iPod UDID to me earlier can dig right in. Other willing to participate have to mail me their UDID. I'll have to add it to the provisioning profile, recompile and redistribute the app. I'll do this one time tomorrow and one time sunday night.

rpnCalculator 0.2.4
Once downloaded, unzip - then drag rpnCalculator.mobileprovision and rpnCalculator.app onto your iTunes. Sync.


PS. how to get the UDID?

- click on "Serial Number", it will change to "Identifier"
- copy the "Idenifier" by pressing cmd-c or selecting Edit->Copy from the iTunes menu
- paste it to a mail to mikesmassivemess(/)kronenberg(/)org

This release just adds UDIDs that I received until 20091005 2100CET.
rpnCalculator 0.2.5

Separate “WineStatus” from WineBottler?

There are some questions that bother me right now.
Mainly - should I separate the statusbar item from WineBottler and put it into a separate app (maybe include it in the wine binary)?

This way, the WineBottler would act as a normal app, that you specifically call to create/configure wineprefixes. Predefined apps and custom-app-creation would be found here. You can alt-tab to it, windows are at expected level (not floating, like now), etc....

While the WineStatus app would help with tasks closer related to the currently running wine instance(s), like start cfg/filemgr/winetricks or force-quit a task. I think the current prefix manager would be situated in this one, as it mainly helps to choose, in which prefix the tool should be executed.

Other things to consider:

I want a clean Wine.bundle (maybe Wine.app).
Now I have a startup-script that replaces the wine executable to handle with OS X custom behavior. Instead I'd like to have a cocoawine binary alongside the genuine wine binary that handles OS X bundle/Statusbar related things, like auto-starting with exes, bats, lnks and msis. The clean and separate Wine.bundle is important to get help from the mother-project, as altered binaries may introduce inconsistent behavior, that will render proper bug-hunting impossible, i.e. no-go.

2 separate bundles, 2 separate downloads, 2 separate updates?
I might offer a separate Wine.bundle/app download and a WineBottler.app download. This way, I can update the two independently. But what about the initial install? I think users can handle to install two apps separately, as it was with the ies4osx/darwine combo.

Any thoughts?