WineBottler | 1.7.32

Keep me going
give me coffee! Smoke 1 Smoke 2 Smoke 3

WineBottler Working on the UI

Finally got around to drop the skeuomorphism in WineBottler - it was kind of looking like an alien on Yosemite ...

... but it looks like there is still some way to go, again :).

... and of corse we included the most recent Wine: Wine changelog:

By the Way:
You can find news on WineBottler now on weibo and vk, too!


As usual: head over to and grab your copy 🙂 .



Known Problems:
winemenubuilder.exe still gives me false positives with some AV-scanner.

WineBottler | 1.7.30

WineBottlerThis one is for Yosemite!

Fixes for Yosemite as well as the pesky "created Program not showing up" under "On My Mac" bug. Further added some dialogs if checksum is not matching... in my attempt to get further away from cryptic error logs :).

Checksums for Metatrader 4 & 5 are up to date again.

... and of corse we included the most recent Wine: Wine changelog:

By the Way:
You can find news on WineBottler now on weibo and vk, too!

wbyosemiteRunning WineBottler on OS X Yosemite.

As usual: head over to and grab your copy 🙂 .



WineBottler | 1.7.11

WineBottlerWineBottler development version 1.7.11 comes with some quick fixes for cases, where your new app would just not open if the filename contains spaces. Then it brings all the goodies of Wine 1.7.11, of corse.

Running Inkscape with WineBottler.Running Inkscape 0.48.4 for Windows with WineBottler on OS X. If you need the latest version, Fullscreen or don't like to install X11.

Thank you Tobias, for helping me fix the startup issue :).

Wine changelog:

As usual: head over to and grab your copy 🙂 .



WineBottler | 1.7.10

WineBottlerWith the WineBottler development version 1.7.10 we are addressing an installation issue with Windows based programs that come on CD-ROM or not in a single .msi or .exe file (for example a setup.exe together with some .cab and .ini files). It will be the base for the forthcoming stable 1.6.2 which should be out a few days from now.

Farbrausch r-025Revisiting more old demos 🙂 – Farbrausch r-025 @ 2560 x 1600 running on Wine 1.7.10

Other things that where improved or fixed:

  • Faster start of WineBottler created apps: support for env variables, guessing location and using spotlight only as a last resort.
  • wine menu not found errors: we use a dummy winemenubuilder.exe to avoid errors as suggest by winehq.
  • WineBottler crashes when a bottle is removed: Cases where NSError != 0, but remove succeeded.
  • Codesigning: only try to code sign, if a valid signature is found.

Thank you Marisa and Jim for helping me with these items :).

Wine changelog:

As usual: head over to and grab your copy 🙂 .



WineBottler | 1.7.9

WineBottlerJust uploaded a new version of WineBottler with the updated Wine 1.7.9.

Directly from

  • Improved window moving/resizing in the Mac driver.
  • Some DirectDraw palette fixes.
  • Reduced code duplication between C++ runtime versions.
  • Various bug fixes.

.kkrieger, a DirectX9 game with a gigantic download of 96KB, running on WineBottler 1.7.9.

As usual: head over to and grab your copy 🙂 .

Happy Holidays!
