WineBottler | 1.7.52

Keep me going
give me coffee! Smoke 1 Smoke 2 Smoke 3

WineBottler 1.7.52 is a major update which sports some thrilling new features.

Runs on OS X El Capitan

Probably the most important feature is the update to run on OS X El Capitan. In Apples proven one-two-combination, after the visual fixes in OS X Yosemite, we could expect a major cleanup in OS X El Capitan. Apple did this with security on its mind, so the proverb “There is the Easy Way and Then There is the Right Way” smacked the lazy dev in the face, once again.

First, Apple got rid of LD_LIBRARY_PATH and DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH. Forcing us to “otool -L” and “install_name_tool -change” thru all the bins and libs of Wine to use proper @rpath relative paths for all Wine related libraries. The result is, of course, a correct linking through out the app - thank you Apple. I guess somebody has to kick you once a while to come up with proper solutions.

Then Apple implemented App Transport Security which forces us to use secure connections for interactions between Apps and web services – or to disable it. For now it is disabled in WineBottler, but I’m working hard on offering SSL connections to get this right. After all it is all about security and privacy.

Further there where some GUI/multithreading glitches (Toolbar and FilePicker dialog) that lead to crashes on El Capitan and the new Codesigning requirements that have been sorted out.

Saves up to 92% harddrive-space

Yep, this one sounds to good to be true… right? 🙂 But here we go:
A clean Wine prefix weights in about 35mb. But Wine requires big add ons like gecko (for Webservices, 50mb) and mono (for .net Apps, 200mb) by default. They might not be needed by your app, but blow up an empty prefix up to 300mb. These two add ons can now be excluded: down 84%.

Further we added an option, to remove the “c:\users” directory when shipping an app. Wine will automatically add new users, when the app is run on a clients Mac.
Then you can automatically remove installer files (.msi) from your prefix before shipping – if they are no longer needed.

Lastly, we have optimized how WineBottler runs your prefixes. To this point, WineBottler will copy a prefix from the App to the folder ~/Application Support. This approach allows us to install Apps to restricted System folders, or Codesign them, without breaking the signature or having to give read and write access to the app, since the App works in the users Applications Support folder. We stick to that design, but we no longer copy, but link the files to ~/Application Support. Changes files will break the link and replace it with the new file. Unchanged files will only take up some bites, instead of a complete copy, saving nearly 50% of disk-space. THIS FEATURE IS STILL VERY NEW AND IN TESTING! So I’m more than happy to hear from you.

New Wine and mono version

Finally we included the current latest and greatest Wine: Wine changelog.

Thank you very much!

For your ongoing interest and support for this project. All dough I can’t answer all the mails, I’m always interested in feedback and suggestions. Thank you very much.

MusicBee Dabu Fantastic

Listening to Dabu Fantastic playing on MusicBee 2.5 on WineBottler on OS X El Capitan.

As usual: head over to and grab your copy 🙂 .



WineBottler | 1.7.10

WineBottlerWith the WineBottler development version 1.7.10 we are addressing an installation issue with Windows based programs that come on CD-ROM or not in a single .msi or .exe file (for example a setup.exe together with some .cab and .ini files). It will be the base for the forthcoming stable 1.6.2 which should be out a few days from now.

Farbrausch r-025Revisiting more old demos 🙂 – Farbrausch r-025 @ 2560 x 1600 running on Wine 1.7.10

Other things that where improved or fixed:

  • Faster start of WineBottler created apps: support for env variables, guessing location and using spotlight only as a last resort.
  • wine menu not found errors: we use a dummy winemenubuilder.exe to avoid errors as suggest by winehq.
  • WineBottler crashes when a bottle is removed: Cases where NSError != 0, but remove succeeded.
  • Codesigning: only try to code sign, if a valid signature is found.

Thank you Marisa and Jim for helping me with these items :).

Wine changelog:

As usual: head over to and grab your copy 🙂 .



WineBottler | 1.5.31

WineBottlerWineBottler 1.5.31 contains the last development build of, as the wine project is going into codefreeze to finally release another stable version. This is a very good development because the last stable version (Wine 1.4.1) is getting very dated.

With everything set up, I plan to continue to serve development builds of Wine alongside the new stable.

For WineBottler 1.5.31 we did some cleanup and bug-fixing. Especially programs, that need encryption perform better, as ntlm_auth (client mode) is working now.

As usually, you can download the new WineBottler over at


Wine 1.2.1

Quick update:

First, Thank you very much for all the feedback, books and donations lately. I'm in the process of answering as many mails as time allows. For the books: Amazone does not give out the donators name, so forgive me, if I'm not able to thank you personally... I really appreciate it and I enjoy the reading - NO, this does not take away time from WineBottler 😉 .

Second, compiled Wine 1.2.1, you can find it here:

Third: WineBottler 1.2 and Wine 1.3.x builds are on hold until November. A big project of a customer hits a major milestone on October 27th. (That's the WorldDidact in Basel, Switzerland, if you happen to be close, meet us at the Ingold/profax booth 😉 ).


Finally: still causing trouble...
Adobe is updating flash at an increased rate. This leads to a lot of sha1 mismatches, as the winetricks team is always some hours behind an update. So your installation of ie6 or steam might fail because of that. I will remove Flash from the default installation in WineBottler 1.2. You'll be able to install it with WineTricks if needed.

ies4osx 2.5beta6_4 [updated 2]

let me thank You for all the feedback, bugreports and suggestions! I really appreciate it.
ies4osx had a little more exposure than usual during the last days. It showed that loads of people moved on to Leopard, what led to some frustration, as darwine an thus ies4osx was not working as expected.

Now with Darwine 0.9.49 Darwine 0.9.49_2 and ies4osx 2.5beta6_4 I hope I can better serve that need. Sorry, still no PPC solution (if You are interested, You should bug this guy).

Please note, both are still in very early stages for Leopard... so please tell me if it works for you. The whole setup is NOT tested on Tiger as stated in the last post.

Two request that where made more than one time:

  • use the wrapper of ies4osx to install other Windows Applications as .app packages (gives me some headaches on how to define the desired executable after installation 😉 )
  • install interesting windows components similar to Dan Kegels winetricks.


As I feared, this Darwine-x86-0.9.49 is only working on Leopard atm. Users of Tiger should use Darwine-x86-0.9.48 for now.

[Update 2]
Here is a new .49 Darwine Build, that works for me on Tiger and Leopard: